Toddlers @ WBC
Our Toddler Group meets on Tuesday mornings during term time from 10-11.30am for all babies and pre-schoolers and their parents or carers. We have lots of toys, ride-ons a slide, mini-trampoline and, thanks to a kind donation, some very popular new soft play equipment. There's a different craft every week as well as refreshments for adults and children and a story and singing time. We look forward to welcoming you and your little one(s)!
For more information about Toddlers, please email Suzie.
Suzie Willers, who you may know from her many years as a Toddler mum, is now working for WBC part time as Family Outreach Worker and part of her role is to look after our Toddlers group. So do get in touch with Suzie if you and your little one(s) could do with our support (please bear in mind Suzie only works 8 hours a week, term time only, so she may not respond straight away). You might want to join our Toddlers Facebook group to keep up with latest news. |
A little bit of Toddlers online
Back in 2020 we recorded some of our favourite stories and songs for you to enjoy with your little ones at home:
The Lost Coin (Songs with Heather and the boys: Our God is a great big God; Can you play at peekaboo? Tommy Thumb where are you? 5 Hot cross buns in a baker's shop)
Jesus and the storm (With Jesus in the boat; Row row row your boat; Wash your dirty hands; If you're happy and you know it)
A farmer went out to sow seeds (If I were a butterfly; Dingle dangle scarecrow; There's a tiny caterpillar on a leaf; The tractor song)
The wise and foolish builders (Songs with Kathy: The wise man built his house; The sun has got his hat on; Humpty Dumpty; The Toddlers bash and bang band)
The narrow gate (Alice the camel; I will bend down and touch my knees; I hear thunder; The wheels on the bus)
Noah and the rainbow (Songs with Heather and the boys: The animals went in two by two; Old MacDonald; Incy wincy spider; The rainbow song)
Jonah and the big fish (If I go a-climbing; 12345 once I caught a fish alive; Head shoulders knees and toes; 5 little ducks went swimming one day)
The lost sheep (Songs with Kathy: He's got the whole world in His hands; Baa baa black sheep; Little Bo Peep; A bear went over the mountain)
Daniel and the lions (Father You are King of heaven; A leopard has lots of spots; Down in the jungle; Sleeping bunnies/lions)
Heather and the boys look at caterpillars in our garden and take you for a second visit to their allotment (There's a tiny caterpillar on a leaf)
God's very good idea
In July 2020 we made a very special video - together with lots of Toddlers families who sent in clips.
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Kids at WBC YouTube Channel where, as well as the videos above, there are other videos for older children.